Precision Agriculture (PA) is an advanced approach in which farmers enhance their productivity, quality, and yields, by optimizing inputs such as water or fertilizer.
Precision Agriculture is not a new concept, however, technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that arable farmers now need to consider when to change not if.
Modern agricultural production relies on monitoring crop status by observing and measuring variables such as soil condition, plant health, fertilizer and pesticide effect, irrigation, and crop yield.
What does OrbitCo provide?
Delivering this precision monitoring 'in the field' and on the 'farm';
Backed by expert advice;
Advice that is based on local conditions
- All linked together with constant access to results via our portal;
​Why do farmers want to Precision Agriculture?
82% say they want improve productivity or performance.
81% say they want improve measurement accuracy.
60% say they want reduce environmental impacts.
55% say they want reduce input/production costs.
44% say they want improve soil conditions.
How OrbitCo works for you
Using the latest satellite technology, images are taken which are used to create zonal soil maps.
These maps are used by our own agronomists to take soil samples from each zone. From the soil sample results, nutrient variable rate plans are created. Satellite images are taken throughout the spring, which are used to produce variable nitrogen plans. Soil sampling is carried out on a 3-4 year cycle.
​Local knowledge​
The OrbitCo platform assists growers to target all seed and fertiliser inputs at the optimum rates which helps achieve the highest gross margin and profit. The information is captured in the field, but available to view from your laptop, tablet or phone.
OrbitCo Portal